Repairing a windscreen can be the better solution
Windscreen Repair vs Replacement
The windscreen of a car needs to always be in perfect shape, not only to offer great visibility but also to protect from wind and rain. A simple crack can reduce visibility and lead to serious accidents, or allow air or water to leak in the car. And all it takes is a loose stone or some random object hitting your car.
Not to mention the fact that you can get a ticket for driving with a damaged windscreen or you can fail a safety check inspection. Plus, the longer you leave it there, the worse it will get. So you need to take care of the problem as soon as possible, and that’s why GT Glass Technology Australia is here to help.
Can The Windscreen Be Fixed?
So you might be wondering if it can be fixed or it should be replaced and how much it will cost? Well, it’s obvious that replacing it would be much more expensive, and that’s why we will do our best to fix it and save you time and money.
When taking the decision whether to fix or to replace a windscreen we look at:
The type of damage – a small scratch or chip can usually be fixed with no problems, but when it comes to a larger crack it’s trickier. A windscreen offers protection from wind and water, but it also gives 30% of the car’s structural integrity. In some cases, even if the crack looks minor, it may affect the safety of the car and may need to be replaced with a new one. After you bring the car over and we inspect it, we will be able to tell you precisely if the windshield can be fixed or should be replaced;
The size of the crack – obviously, the larger the crack is, the more difficult or impossible to fix it gets;
Position – if the crack is too close to one of the edges, then we won’t be able to repair it. When this happens, the windscreen as a whole gets weaker, and that’s why a replacement would be necessary. The chip usually has to be at least 7 cm from the edges to be fixed and also to not be in the driver’s line of sight;
Windscreen Repair Sunshine Coast
Fixing the crack is definitely not easy and it’s also not possible all the time. But we will do our best in order to save the windscreen for you, so you end up paying way less than a replacement.
The system we use has a pressure/vacuum pump that injects a special UV cured resin into the broken glass through precision pressure and vacuum cycles. This process fixes the damaged area while leaving almost no sign that it was ever broken.
This technology is not only more effective at fixing a broken windscreen, but it also allows the technician to get the job done in a fraction of the time. Plus, it won’t matter what brand, model or year your car is (unlike windscreen replacement where the more expensive the car is, the more expensive the windshield will be).
Are You Ready To Work With The Best?
We are the leading windscreen repair company on the Sunshine Coast and have been in business since 1994. We are using the most advanced repair system in the world so we are able to fix almost any crack. We also do headlight restoration, window tinting, taillight lens repairs, steering wheel repairs and other related services.
We have the most advanced repair equipment in Australia and some of the best technicians, so we can guarantee the quality of our work. Our main goal is to repair and restore your windscreen and not to change it completely.
We have worked with trusted brands in the region (Coastline BMW, Mercedes Benz Sunshine Coast, Lexus of Maroochydore & more), and had thousands of satisfied clients over the years. We are using the Maxim TM windscreen repair system which is the most advanced in the world.
Quality and safety are top priorities in the auto industry, and so they are in our company. That’s why all of our machines, devices and materials have passed rigorous BSI standards.
To find out more info on our website or contact us by e-mail at or by phone at 0402 755 887.